Wednesday 15 September 2010

Computer Games Industry

                                           COMPUTER GAMES INDUSTTY

Computer gaming industry is the fastest developer in the media industry. therefore employees will have to be sharp and intelligent, they also must be able to adapt and update their skills often.
The structure starts off by knowing who is behind the great work of the product, once you know that you research their work. in my opinion they structured it very well because they show us their work before it is sent off, for example the drawing.

The games industry is an industry of which technology advances quickly and effectively. Consequently, people working in this industry have to be on the ball and think on their feet. Also as technology improves they need to be able to maintain the quality of games and game play, therefore they have to improve as the technology available changes around them.

As there is competition within the game industry, the game industry within the UK has to maintain its quality and this means that they rise above their competition. Another way of ensuring that the industry is superior to the competition is by having the support of companies and organizations that are a part of those. Companies also have to make sure the technology and workforce enhance simultaneously, in sync with each other, if they want to succeed as an industry.

there are many job roles in the media industry such as,

Games Design
The game designers have the biggest job of them all, they decide what consist and how its played which is the most important. They are similar to directors in most ocassions they come up with the idea before the work is started. its a combination of different activities and requires alot of skill. design, management, scheduling, research etc. - they also need to understand the game very well. They also need to be able to document their vision and communicate it to other members of the project team.

Art and Animation
Art and Animation is also another job in the gaming industry that takes alot of skill. The game Artist that were hired create every object such as buildings, landscapes weapons vechales and characters - that's what makes up the game world when Animators define and create their own movement. you wont find computer games using 2D graphics because in the recent years they have been developed to realtime 3D graphics and animation. these people would have to be experienced and trained in the major 3D modelling and animation packages such as Maya or 3DStudioMax. In the gaming there are a number of different roles and levels, these roles are often combined and include artist such as, environment modellers, vichicle modellers objects, animators and texture artist. however a an Art director or A lead Artist holds the blame if anything goes wrong due to the overall responsibilty they have in their hands.

The programming is believed to be the most mysterious of all the game development areas and it also is believed to be the heart of the process, this is because the team in the programming area are responsible to creating the code which obviously makes the game work.

This is an increasingly important area in the gaming industry development process. it will always depend on how big the company is for having the most and best qualified recruitment. the audio department might consist of one or two people who are responsible for creating and producing music, sound effecrs, dialogue, recording and often supervising voice performance.
job titles in this area might include
Musician sound effect designer

and audio engineer Composer
Organisational Management
These are the type of roles that are to be found in any organisation and are essential to its successful running, e.g. marketing, PR, human resources, administration, and IT support.

rockstar is a major gaming company, it is multinational because it is a large corporations with operations and subsidiaries in several countries. it is privately owned by Take-Two Interaction, it is neither vertically or horizontally intergrated because it is not a company that owns news agents, shops and commercials they need companies to get invloved. it also hasn't bought out a smaller company so its not vertically integrated.The way they make their money is by pruducing their product then selling it to big company stores such as HMV e.g. if they sold 10 thousand units and HMV sold them in a week they would go back and get another 10 thousand units. the costumers would be females and males aged from 15-30 because these are the type that are interested in computer games. The major competitors would be a major company that are rivals with rockstar. in this case it is Infinity Awards who also produce great games such as Call Of Duty, which has alot of sells too. The trend that is most popular would be EA sports because they produce games of loved sports from around the world e.g. NFL American football and NBA basketball would be very popular in America and EPL Football would be very popular in england which makes it a global trend.

Need For Speed: Most Wanted Trailer